Increasing Your e-Newsletter Open Rate

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Think carefully about your subject line: a great one will encourage more opens. This is where the 4 seconds comes into play. Keep it short!! Ideally five words or less

  • Use the second line for explanation and elaboration

  • Use a universally available sans serif type [typestyles with no 'feet' like Arial or Tahoma] to make it more readable

  • Be SURE to design the e mail to be read on a mobile devise [For Constant Contact, with a 2 column format, the left side shows up first]

  • And for mobile, especially if people are reading while they are walking or checking out messages while waiting for a train...14 point is best.

Beyond that, your primary goal should be to build loyalty among your readership: we all get so many incoming e mails, it is very easy to hit 'delete' when we are busy or distracted. SO....if you want to be one e mail they open faithfully....

  • EDUCATE before you sell: to build interest and give consumers something that benefits THEM so they see your information as truly and personally valuable

  • Make sure your top line logo or picture is less than 2 inches tall so your readers are not faced with a large white space with only a corner 'X' to deter them reading on if they do not download the pictures

  • Try to be consistent with day and time

  • Provide a link so they may to contact you with questions

  • RESPOND quickly when the ask for information or help

About the author:

Donniella Winchell photo 2013 (002).jpg

Donniella Winchell, Executive Director of the Ohio Wine Producers Association...

Donniella Winchell